Tuesday, May 3, 2011

27 april-lights out

This is one of the problems with getting so behind on my blogging. Wednesday, 27 April has already practically faded away in my memory. I'm sure something happened of minor note (after all, consider how much I've talked about traffic) but I just can't recall what it is.

The trip is reaching that point where things are ceasing to amaze me. I read in the autos now, and fall asleep much easier. I don't like falling into those routines anywhere, and it is my project from now on to make sure that doesn't happen.

Wednesday we had decided would be our 'catch up on blogging day', but when I arrived home from work the power was out! Apparently it had gone out around 1pm and still wasn't back. Nani had a terrible headache and lay down to rest, prompting excessive worry on my part. There was one candle, a box of matches and a flashlight. My computer had died at work.

I read by flashlight for a while until Shruthi's mother urged me to shift to their flat, where they had power as a result of some alternate generator. We need more candles. Papa explained that the power outages were likely the result of it being summertime, raining, and the system being overloaded with so many people home from work and school.

I kind of like the silence that comes when the power goes out though. It is eerie how much there always is whirring and buzzing around us and when it's all off, how loud our voices seem.
I always imagine, somewhat romantically, that in households without power, the families could sit down every evening and have great soul-baring conversations by fireplaces, reading just a little by candlelight and tucking comfortably into bed with no lighted screens to keep the mind awake and restless.

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